Welcome to Softmart99Dentals
Leading Multi Speciality Dental Hospital in New York USA.
Softmart99Dentals, one of the leading Multi Speciality Dental Hospitals in New York , specialized in a wide range of dental services, from routine dental and hygienist care to a comprehensive range of advanced services including Dental Implants, 3D Guided Implants, Correction Root Canals, Teeth Whitening, Cosmetic Dentistry and many other.
we provide dental treatment for existing problems to a high standard, then work with you on a preventive approach that keeps you smiling for life. We place great importance on our role in helping you to prevent problems in the first place.
We are pleased that you have chosen us and we promise to treat you with compassion, warmth and a commitment to provide the finest in oral healthcare.
Meet Our Doctors
Our Team of Professionals, Highly Experienced Dentists.