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Child Dentistry
$300.00It is a branch of Dentistry dealing with your child’s teeth from birth to adolescence. It includes the following treatments:
Pulpotomy: it is the removal of a portion of the pulp including the diseased part with the intent of maintaining the vitality of remaining pulpal tissue by means of a therapeutic dressing.
Laser Pulpotomy: this technique overcomes conventional Pulpotomy, by making the treatment less painful, Blood less and less traumatic to your child.
Pulpectomy: it is the removal of the entire pulp in the pulp chamber and the root canal is removed. During this procedure, your child is given Local Anesthetic to minimise pain.
Fluorides: your child receives this treatment in order to protect the teeth from further decay. We use a tray, like a mouth guard and hold it on your child’s teeth for 4-5 minutes. Fluorides are available in plenty of Flavours (Strawberry, Pineapple, Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch etc) so that your child can choose his/her pick!
Space maintainers: your child may need space maintainers, if he/she loses her tooth early or has a baby tooth extracted due to Dental Decay. Its purpose is to keep the space open to allow the permanent tooth to erupt and come into place in order to prevent misalignment of the remaining teeth which may migrate into the space created by early loss/ shedding of the baby tooth. It is an appliance that is custom made by a Pedodontist/ Orthodontist in Acrylic/ Metal material.